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Made with love in India, for India.
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V S4.1 india
Owned by NGF.ONE
avoid your vehicle being in danger !
Give people an option to contact you when in need.

NGF132 tag helps you to get contacted by someone getting bothered by your parked car in public places.

You will receive Masked Call, WhatsApp, and SMS. when your parked vehicle is creating issue.
Your Phone Number is MASKED
You can Add Emergency contact Number. so people can contact your family incase of any accidents.
Anyone can scan using camera, Paytm, so no special APP is needed
You can Upload Insurance, Driving License and Pollution papers (OTP Protected.)
Your phone number will not be shared !
Get by this tag.

Masked Video Calls

Masked Audio Calls

WhatsApp Notifications

Society Management

Manage Anytime

Location Tracking

Offline SMS Available

Live Support Always
Free Petrol and Diesel Stickers
Order within next 48 hrs and you will get an assured Stcikers for your car, Bike and Laptops.
We have 3L Active Tags, with more than 80K APP downloads. And 5 Star APP ratings.

NGF132 टैग आपको सार्वजनिक स्थानों पर आपकी खड़ी कार से परेशान होने वाले किसी व्यक्ति से संपर्क करने में मदद करता है। आपका फ़ोन नंबर साझा नहीं किया गया है।

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NGF132 is being Re-branded as, all services and tags will remain active as usual always.

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This is a serious order, Make sure to accept the COD order. We are paying on your behalf to courier companies.
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